Group Capstone ToDo Tracker

a picture of my project

As a capstone to the first half of the Codefi program, which focused on the Front End and Angular, we were assigned a group project that included CRUD elements. Our group included myself and 4 other students, who chose to create a Todo List application. We used Angular with Bootstrap styling, and Github to collaborate on the project.

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This was our first experience in a group, and the challenges that come with version control, and working with other people's code. We learned a lot about how to work together, and how to communicate effectively.

Our chosen responsibilities often ended up having overlap with other's work, which occasionally caused merge conflicts, and even invloved overwriting other's code, or reintroducing errors that had previously been dealt with. One of my contributions became managing these merge issues, and making sure the main branch was stable and functional. Additional contributions included various styling elements, like the details dropdown, button positioning, and complete-by-date reminders, as well as minor edits to uniformize the styling across the application pages. I also differentiated between completed and archived tasks on the Archived Todos page, so that a user could see what tasks they successfully finished, and what ones timed out or were otherwise cancelled.